速報APP / 新聞與雜誌 / Core TV News

Core TV News



檔案大小:14.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Core TV News(圖1)-速報App

Core TV News is a 24-hour free-to-air, cable news channel, owned and operated by Core Media Services Ltd, with an unbeatable reach all over Nigeria and Africa, as well as parts of Europe.

Core TV News(圖2)-速報App

We have been the leading TV station that cuts across the county and beyond, with well-positioned correspondents across the country, enabling us to daily churn out reports on events and happenings in all the states of the federation.

Core TV News(圖3)-速報App

Core TV News as strictly news station was established to ensure clear, unbiased and in-depth news reportage. Core TV News brings latest and accurate information in its news and current affairs programming.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad